Auction Lots

Decorative Antiques & Collectors On 21/04/2023

Decorative Antiques & Collectors


Do you have something that you think would be a perfect fit for this Decorative Antiques & Collectors Sale? We are inviting entries now. Whether you have a single item, a private collection - or an entire house full, we are looking for items including, but not limited to the below:

Antique & Contemporary:
Objet d’art
Decorative homewares

Still not sure if your item fits the bill? Our sales are truly diverse - that’s what makes them exciting.

Click the ‘Get A Valuation’ button at the top of the page now to start an online valuation, or alternatively, contact us now via phone or email to consign your items to this auction: | 01723 507111. Our specialists are on hand to provide you with free auction valuations and advice, with no obligation to sell.