Taxidermy & Entomology

Our Taxidermy & Entomology department offers expertly preserved specimens. From mammals and birds to insect collections, each item is selected for its scientific value and aesthetic appeal, appealing to collectors, educators and enthusiasts.

Anthropomorphic Taxidermy: Two red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) playing cards, both seated...

Estimate £150-250

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of butterflies circa 20th century, single glazed display...

Estimate £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Common Eland (Taurotragus Oryx), South Africa, large adult bull shoulder mount ...

Estimate £300-400

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Black Swan (Cygnus atratus), full mount adult looking straight ahead, stood upo...

Estimate £250-350

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Cased pair of Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), pair of full adults ...

Estimate £150-260

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of butterflies, single glazed display containing approxi...

Estimate £150-250

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of moths, single glazed display containing approximately...

Estimate £150-250

Current Bid : £Loading...

Antlers/ Horns: Cape Buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) 20th century, set of large adult bul...

Estimate £150-250

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of moths and insects, single glazed display containing a...

Estimate £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of butterflies and moths, single glazed display containi...

Estimate £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy; Cased Mongoose (Herpestidae) fighting an Indian cobras (Naja naja), the cobras ...

Estimate £150-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Pair of Ruddy Shelducks (Tadorna ferruginea), a pair of full adult mounts, stoo...

Estimate £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy; Cased Carrion Crow (Corvus corone), full adult mount perched upon a branch in a...

Estimate £150-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of Moths of the World, circa 20th century, single glaze...

Estimate £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Victorian storebox of World Moths and insects including African examples, with...

Estimate £80-120

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Herring Gull (Larus argentatus), full adult mount on open display with head tur...

Estimate £80-120

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Curlew (Numenius Arquata), full adult mount, with head turned to the left, upon...

Estimate £80-120

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy; Blackbird (Turdus merula) full adult mount perched upon a plant pot in a natura...

Estimate £80-120

Current Bid : £Loading...

Antlers/Horns; pair of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) antlers upon partial skull, H70cm W65cm

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of moths and butterflies of the world, circa 20th centur...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed display of moths of the world, circa 20th century, single glazed...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Single glazed draw display of British butterflies, circa 20th century, contain...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Victorian storebox of World Moths, with approximately forty specimens , with a...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Japanese balsa storebox of World Moths and Butterflies, with approximately fif...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Japanese balsa storebox of World Moths, with approximately forty specimens, wi...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Japanese balsa storebox of World Moths, with approximately sixty five specimen...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Red-Breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) full adult mount on open display and ...

Estimate £60-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Frillback Pigeon (Columba livia), full adult mount with wings outstretched, upo...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Red stag antler centre piece, made from a single antler with three candle holders to the c...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy; Victorian novelty terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) ashtray, together with another...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: European Fallow Deer (Dama dama), adult male neck mount looking straight ahead,...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), full adult mount perched on a branch in a naturalis...

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella), pair of full adult mounts, perched on a br...

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Entomology: Three framed displays containing individual specimens, largest H18cm

Estimate £40-60

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy: Domestic Lamb (Ovis aries), full open display mount stood with head upturned to...

Estimate £200-400

Current Bid : £Loading...

Taxidermy - Two otter rudders (Lutra lutra), the first with silver mounted, hallmarked, en...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

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