Wood, Metal & Other Decorative Objects

Browse Wood, Metal & Other Decorative Objects and find a diverse array of decorative items. From finely crafted wooden sculptures and intricate metalwork to unique pieces made from various materials, our collection adds character and charm to any space.

Professor Otto Poertzel (German, 1876-1963): gilt bronze and carved ivory figure, circa 19...

Offer Guide £800-1,200

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Victorian tipplers walking stick, the gilt collar unscrewing to revleal an enclosed glass ...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Victorian 18ct gold vesta case, monogrammed with initials by Joseph Walton, London 1900

Estimate £800-1,000

Current Bid : £Loading...

Dimitri Omersa (1927-1975) for Liberty's of London, two mid-20th century brown leather foo...

Estimate £300-500

Current Bid : £Loading...

Late 19th century American 'Hometown Battery' money bank with moving baseball figures and ...

Offer Guide £200-300

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19th century sampler, floral boarder with a verse, by Jane Appleby Age 12 years done at Mr...

Offer Guide £150-250

Current Bid : £Loading...

Barbara Tribe (1913-2000): 'Narrowboat Baby', plaster sculpture signed and dated 1944 12cm x 16cm

Offer Guide £150-250

Current Bid : £Loading...

20th century novelty walking stick, the L-shaped metal handle as a whistle, bamboo cane, t...

Estimate £100-200

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Modern composite bust of young woman, in the manner of Jacob Epstein, with metallic finish...

Offer Guide £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

Bronze modelled as a tortoise, W36cm

Offer Guide £100-200

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Pair of 19th century silk works, in oval mounts and gilt frames, the first example a class...

Offer Guide £100-200

Current Bid : £Loading...

After Jean Bulio (French 1827-1911): bronze bust, modelled as Christ wearing crown of thor...

Offer Guide £120-180

Current Bid : £Loading...

Goniatite sculpture, displaying two Goniatites within a polished and shaped matrix, age; D...

Estimate £120-160

Current Bid : £Loading...

19th century library longarm or book picker, the cane with simulated finish, the brass top...

Offer Guide £100-150

Current Bid : £Loading...

Scratch built model yacht 'Rue de la mer', with painted blue and white hull, with acrylic ...

Offer Guide £80-120

Current Bid : £Loading...

Two Copper embossed panels, the first depicting an African warrior, the second an African ...

Offer Guide £50-120

Current Bid : £Loading...

Mid 20th century Dutch baby pram/stroller, with wooden teal sides and chrome chassis, with...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Chinese carved hardwood model of an ox or water buffalo, with attendant upon back, upon a ...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

20th century novelty walking stick, the silver plated walking stick handle incorporating a...

Estimate £50-100

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Fifteen cube mineral specimens, each cut and polished to highlight natural formations, inc...

Estimate £50-100

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Pair of carved Yooperlite fluorescent skulls, H7cm

Estimate £50-100

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Early 20th century copper bucket, with cylindrical riveted body and brass loop handle, H31cm D34cm

Estimate £50-100

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Victorian figured walnut table-top cabinet, the interior fitted with three small drawers,...

Estimate £50-100

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Pair of early 20th century continental painted porcelain religious icon plaques, depicting...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Collection of ten Royal Doulton figures, comprising 'Lady Charmian' HN1948, 'Rose' HN1368,...

Estimate £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Cast iron scales, with copper baskets with weights, H88cm

Offer Guide £50-100

Current Bid : £Loading...

Copper ships lantern with red glass, marked NUC with brass handles and fittings, H46cm

Offer Guide £50-100

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Victorian ribbonwork in maple frame, frame 27cm x 23cm

Offer Guide £50-100

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Indian bronze censor, decorated with stylised flowers upon a stepped circular base, H8cm

Offer Guide £50-100

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Composite bust of an Egyptian woman, H20cm

Offer Guide £50-100

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Collection of twelve miniature pen knives, displayed in an circular frame

Estimate £50-100

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Pair of oval dishes, fossil inclusions, L23cm

Estimate £50-100

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Abstract pink marble sculpture, upon a rectangular base, H63cm

Estimate £70-100

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20th century semi precious stone set globe, H34cm

Estimate £50-80

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Set of brass balance scales on platform base

Estimate £50-80

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Naive Folk Art carved wooden figure of a recumbent cat, H13cm, L19cm

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Pair of Japanese two-handled bronze vases, of baluster form with elongated neck, decorated...

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Vivian Fulford; Four sculptures in mixed medium, using animal skulls, largest H13cm

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Vivien Fulford (York Contemporary): Female figures, two polished sculptures signed to base...

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

James Dixon and Sons canteen of plated table cutlery for eight covers, including bone hand...

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

19th century walnut box, with Tunbridge style banding, together with another box

Offer Guide £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Pair of Graduating 19th century rosewood boxes inlaid with mother of pearl, largest H10cm

Offer Guide £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Two African carved abstract wooden sculptures, tallest H54cm

Offer Guide £50-80

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19th century mahogany work box, with hinged lid and drawer, on bun feet H20.5cm

Offer Guide £50-80

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Victorian needlework sampler by Ethel Anne Evans, March 1879 with alphabet and numerals et...

Offer Guide £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Brass and marble bookends with reclining putti figures, together with a brass figure of a ...

Offer Guide £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Polished aluminium Michelin Man figure, H34cm

Offer Guide £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Driftwood sculpture, modelled as a grotesque figure perched upon a column, H68cm

Estimate £50-80

Current Bid : £Loading...

Pair of large Selenite spheres, upon a wooden base D12cm

Estimate £60-80

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Agate open salt, of navette form, upon a stepped oval pedestal foot, H5cm

Estimate £50-70

Current Bid : £Loading...

Japanese Cloisonné charger, decorated with a phoenix to the centre, D30.5cm

Estimate £40-60

Current Bid : £Loading...

Four polished labradorite coasters with raw edges, approximate D8cm

Estimate £40-60

Current Bid : £Loading...

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