Discover a charming collection of three watercolours by renowned British artist John Guttridge Sykes (1866-1941), depicting idyllic scenes of 'Poultry in the Farmyard'. Each artwork is signed by the artist and measures a maximum of 27cm x 38cm.
Sykes' attention to detail and mastery of watercolour techniques bring these farmyard scenes to life, capturing the essence of rural life in a bygone era. The delicate brushstrokes and soft colour palette evoke a sense of tranquillity and nostalgia, making these pieces a delightful addition to any art collection.
Don't miss the opportunity to acquire these exquisite watercolours by John Guttridge Sykes at the upcoming auction by Duggleby Auctioneers. Perfect for art enthusiasts and collectors alike, these pieces are sure to bring a touch of British heritage and artistic flair to any space.