Presented by Duggleby Auctioneers, this exquisite Border Fine Arts sculpture titled "Homeward Bound" captures a poignant moment in country life. Designed by Anne Wall, this model is a testament to her attention to detail and craftsmanship.
Crafted with precision, this charming sculpture features a rural scene that resonates with collectors and enthusiasts alike. The intricate design showcases the artist's skill in capturing the essence of the countryside, making it a desirable piece for any art lover or collector.
This particular model, No. B1029, is displayed on a sturdy wood base, adding to its aesthetic appeal and overall charm. Standing at a height of 17cm, this sculpture is a perfect addition to any collection or a thoughtful gift for someone who appreciates fine art and traditional craftsmanship.
Don't miss the opportunity to own this beautiful Border Fine Arts piece by Anne Wall, available in this auction at Duggleby Auctioneers.