Discover an enchanting watercolour painting by renowned British artist Douglas Frederick Pittuck (1911-1993) at Duggleby Auctioneers. This captivating piece depicts the picturesque scene of Barnard Castle, showcasing the artist's exceptional talent and attention to detail.
Measuring 21cm x 31cm, this delightful artwork is faintly signed by the artist and titled verso, adding a personal touch to the piece. Pittuck's skilful use of watercolours brings the charming essence of Barnard Castle to life, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere that is sure to captivate art enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Don't miss the opportunity to own a piece of British art history with this exquisite watercolour by Douglas Frederick Pittuck. Bid now at Duggleby Auctioneers and bring the beauty of Barnard Castle into your collection.