Discover a captivating piece by the renowned Northern British artist, Philip Naviasky (1894-1983), at Duggleby Auctioneers. This striking watercolour painting depicts a Rabbi in a portrait style, showcasing Naviasky's exceptional talent and unique artistic vision.
The piece, measuring 24cm x 18cm, is an exquisite example of Naviasky's work, capturing the essence and character of the subject with precision and finesse. The subtle use of watercolour adds a depth and richness to the portrait, bringing the Rabbi to life on the canvas.
Although the painting is unsigned, its attribution to Philip Naviasky is unmistakable, reflecting his distinctive style and mastery of the medium. This piece would make a valuable addition to any art collection, showcasing a significant work by a celebrated British artist.
Don't miss the opportunity to own this exceptional artwork by Philip Naviasky. Place your bid at Duggleby Auctioneers and bring a piece of Northern British art history into your home.