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Decorative Antiques & Collectors Sale on 30/04/2021

Decorative Antiques & Collectors Sale

You will be able to view this auction and bid live with video and audio when the auction is taking place. Please come back on the date and time displayed in the auction details.

DATE: 30/04/2021

Actively seeking; Antique & Contemporary ceramics, glass, objet d’art, lighting, collectables, decorative homewares and more, appealing to the individual, collectors and traders.

TIME: 11: 00 AM

Closing Date for Entries: Wednesday, 14 April

VENUE: The Gallery Saleroom, Scarborough YO11 1XN

Wednesday 28th April 10am - 6pm
Thursday 29th April 10am - 4pm
Friday 30th April from 9am

  • Buyer's premium 20% plus VAT
  • In-house post & packing available - see individual lots for prices
  • Items to be paid for by Friday, 7 May and collected by Friday, 7 May
Current Auctioneer
To Be Confirmed

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