WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm
WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm

LOT NO 3021

STOCK NO 14313

WW1 brass cased compensated barometer with altimeter scale by J. Hicks 8/9/10 Hatton Garden London No.2768, of drum shaped form, the silvered dial dated 1917, with impressed broad arrow mark to back and suspension ring to top D12cm


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